Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Checking Out The Different Social Networking Sites

My experience with social networking sites is not that big. I started using social networking sites not that long ago to get in touch with my friends in the Dominican Republic. I created an account in Hi5 about two years ago mostly to know what was going on with the people I went to school and old friends. I have spent hours in the computer without realizing how long it had been just looking at picture of people I haven't see in the last ten years.

I limit myself to only having a Hi5 account because I personally think MySpace was too much for me. Too much going on. I feel as if MySpace is mostly for teenagers. Also, I had privacy concerns.

I decided to create a Facebook account when I heard it was extra credits for the class and since I have been "playing" with it. I found lots of peole I know from work, from school, and even some family members.

I also created a Linkedin account at the beginning of the semester and added a few people to it. It has been fun so far...

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